Little Fiction Blurb by Anthony Angeline

In one of my boredom induced link clicking tours of the internet I stumbled across a site called Little Fiction. From the first moment I was struck by the style and beauty of the site. It was simple and easy to read. The emphasis was placed on the content of the stories they put out, not on generating traffic, ads, followers, or any of the normal things you’re told to do with websites.

Little Fiction publishes short stories in electronic format (.pdf) for free. They stories come from new and indie authors. They have simple and beautifully designed covers and the whole presentation is very professional. The first moment I stumbled onto this site I knew I had to read everything they had. So far I’ve only read a few but they’ve ranged from wonderfully imaginative to well crafted stories to brain cramp inducing confusion, but they’ve all been worth the time.

Go check them out and down load some readin’.

They have downloads for phone, tablet, computer, and compatible e-readers. Then, go tell the whole world about this wonderful site and the product they put out.



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